*PhOtO oP*pOrTuNiTy
  aT hOmE | AbOuT mE | piCtuRes | 9 tHiNgs i HaTe aBoUt Ev'RyOne | sTuFf | gUeStBoOk  

::tHeSe ArE PiCs oF mY mOsT bE[LoVe]D pEoPLe!::
If you're not on this page but wanna be,  
just send me a pic. I'll be happy to put it   
on. But if you know I ain't got a pic of you
don't ask why you're not on here...           

mE aNd AsHLeY on|the|BoRdEr((of Mexico))

-=+Mi HiJa ChRisTiNa+=- LoL

Scotty n his Friend (??)


*4-got to make my bed* shhh

My GirL aShLey_pRiNcEsSa iTaLiAna

at|A|restaurant|in|MeXiCo ((me and ashley))

[JaNiNa] I MISS YOU!!! =(

Daydreamin n I'm thinkin uh you...

My LovaBoy: JaRReTT

My Boy Brandon..OFF THE GLASS Ent. [BiG uPS..Ya'll Gon Hear Me Too Thnx 2 BabyBoy]

{{Me aNd RaE}}

tHiS GiRL riGhT cHeUh is aLeX kAy. lol

Photography work by none other than Miss Sarah Booth, I love ya!! Thanx for everything *tear*

]My hOmE gUrL aShLeE[

))aShLey lookin fLy((

My SisTeR aNd i

[{wHy sHe ChEeZiN' LyK tHaT??}]

[[tHa'S mE + SaRaH]]

PiP dOgG

[{oH bAbY!}] ChRiS-TiNa

tHa'S mUh HoMeGiRL sArAh + hEr hOmEcOmiNg dAtE: JaSoN | hOmEcOmiNg 2oO3

[{ JiLLie BeaN =D }]

Sarah ~n~ Chrissy [me]

[{ hOmEcOmiNg niGhT 2oO3 }]