a SiTe iN tHe LiFe Of ChRiSsY
  aT hOmE | AbOuT mE | piCtuRes | 9 tHiNgs i HaTe aBoUt Ev'RyOne | sTuFf | gUeStBoOk  

I would like to start by saying: by visiting this link you have just KISSED MY A**! =P Enjoi.

PLEASE don't leave blank entries in the guestbook. You don't have to leave a message, but at least put your name.
Quick MeSsAgE:: HaTaZ nEeD 2 LEAVE!! Danke ;)
L0^3 m3 0r h8 m3...ju$+ d0n'+ fake 1t wh3n u C m3

gOt LoVe 4 mY tEaM...FC Bayern Muenchen

RaTe Me @ hOt Or NoT dOt CoM


. VanillaQu33n .

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